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Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 11th Edition 2007/09/24

Зочины хүсэлтийн дагуу Concise Oxford English Dictionary-ийн CD-ROM хувилбарыг нь орууллаа. 240,000 үгтэй учир боломжийн эд шүү. Хэрэв компьютертаа хэрхэн суулгаж ажилуулахаа мэдэхгүй бол эндээс уншаарай.

Татаж авах линкийг доор комментоор үлдээсэн байгаа...

Concise Oxford English Dictionary (until 2002 officially entitled The Concise Oxford Dictionary, and widely known by the abbreviation COD) is probably the best-known of the 'smaller' Oxford dictionaries. It was started as a derivative of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), although section S–Z had to be written before the Oxford English Dictionary reached that stage.

The latest edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary contains over 240,000 entries and 1,681 pages (concise only compared to its parent OED at over 21,000 pages). The Eleventh Edition is available as an electronic eBook for a variety of handheld device platforms.