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TOEFL iBT Tips 2009/06/01

In 2005, ETS is introducing a next generation TOEFL test. It is an Internet-based test (iBT) that will be delivered in secure testing centers around the world. The new TOEFL iBT test will be phased in starting September 2005. It will be offered fi rst in the United States in September 2005; and in Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in October 2005. It will be introduced in the rest of the world in 2006.
Printing: Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, USA
Size: 2,99 MB
Format: pdf

What is different about the TOEFL iBT test?
• It tests all four language skills that are important for effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The emphasis will be on using English to communicate.
• It will be delivered via the Internet in secure test centers around the world. Once the new test is introduced in an area, the computer-based and paper-based tests will no longer be offered there.
• Some tasks require test takers to combine more than one skill. To succeed academically in English speaking colleges and universities, students need to be able to combine their language skills in the classroom. New integrated questions, or “tasks,” help students build the confi dence needed to communicate in the academic environments they plan to enter. The new integrated tasks will ask test takers to:
• read, listen, then speak in response to a question
• listen, then speak in response to a question
• read, listen, then write in response to a question

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Foreign language said...

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enkhjin said...

tatasniihaa daraa passport gej garaad bhiin