Миний блогт бензин шахахыг хүсвэл доорх сурталчилгааны линкээр зочлоод гараарай ;)

Portogiesisch 2007/11/27

Герман хэлтнүүдэд зориулан Португал хэл сурах ном...

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Герман хэлтнүүдэд зориулан Испани хэл сурах ном...

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Deutsch / Englisch

Герман хэлтнүүдэд зориулж Англи хэл сурах ном...

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Герман хэлтнүүдэд зориулан Франц хэл сурах ном...

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Герман хэлтнүүдэд зориулан Япон хэл сурах ном...

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Russisch (Kauderwelsch)

Герман хэлтэй хүмүүст зориулаад орос хэлний сурах бичиг...

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Minna no Nihongo 1 2007/11/22

2CD | MP3 | CBR 192 Kbps | 197 Mb

Listening comprehension texts that correspond to the main subjects of study in Minna no Nihongo I these CDs are constructed so that the user is directly involved in the scenarios and dialogues, and can therefore more precisely grasp any essential information being conveyed in the task exercises. The books faithfully match the sentence patterns and vocabulary presented in the main texts, and any new words are also given in English, Chinese and Korean. As well as assisting with listening comprehension practice, the books also have the added advantage of helping the user learn how to take part in conversations through listening to them.

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Minna no Nihongo 1 English Translation

Minna no Nihongo 1 English Translation and Grammatical Notes
2000 | Djvu | 190 Pages | 1.5 mb

The companion book to the Minna No Nihongo Textbook I. If you want to use Minna No Nihongo as a self study (or even in a classroom), you really need this book to give the definitions in English (the main text doesn't) and explain grammar in plain English.

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3001 Business & Sales Letters 2007/11/19

Англи хэл дээр бизнес захиа бичихэд ашиглаж болох 3000 гаруй бэлэн загваруудаас сонголт хийх боломжыг таньд энэхүү програм олгоно.

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Business Letters for Busy People

Бизнес захидал бичихэд тань туслах ном.. Дажгүй эд байна лээ. Дотроо янз бүрийн заавар, зөвлөмжөөс гадна загвар захидлуудыг нилээд оруулсан байгаа.

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Introducing the book 2007/11/14

Хөгжилтэй л юм... Бидний зарим нэг компьютертэй учираа олдоггүй шиг энэ лам номтой учираа олох гэж үйлээ үзэж байх шиг байна. Хуйлмал бичгээс хавтаст ном руу шилжсэн нь...

Website: Songza

Уул нь блогоороо дамжуулаад хүмүүст хэл сурахад нь хэрэгтэй вэбүүдийг тавиад байх юмсан гэж хааяа боддог юм. Мартчихдаг л болохоос биш. Сайхан сайхан вэбүүд байна шүү цаана чинь. Санамсаргүй явж байгаад songza.com гээд нэг хөөрхөн вэб оллоо. Дуу, хөгжимийн хайлт хийдэг сайт. Элдүүтэй л эд байна лээ. Зарим хүмүүс нөгөө гадаад хэлний блог чинь юун хаа хамаагүй дууны хайлтын сайт энэ тэр болоод далийгаад явчихваа гээд гайхаж магадгүй. Гадаад хэл дээр дуу сонсох нь тухайн хэл дээрээ зөв дуудлагатай болоход асар тустай учраас энэ вэбийг блогийнхоо зочидод санал болгож байгаа юм. Хэрэв таньд интернэтэд холбогдоно гэдэг асуудал биш, дээр нь боломжийн хурдтай нэттэй бол энэ сайтыг ашиглаад дуртай дуугаа дуртай цагтаа сонсоод байж болно. Хайсан бүх л дуу чинь байх болов уу. Над шиг хард дискний дутагдалд байнга орж байдаг хүнд бол хэрэгтэй л юм байна лээ. Хааяа зарим дууг ганц удаа сонсохын тулд эхлээд хайж олно, дараа нь татаж авах гэж бөөн юм болно. Тэрнийхээ дараа устгана гэж бас асуудал. Энэ сайтны хувьд дуу юм уу дууныхаа нэрийг бичээд search хийгээд л гүйцээ. Монгол дуучдаа хайсан чинь бас ганц нэг нь гарч ирж байсан. За тэгээд та бүхэн өөрсдөө сонжино бизээ...

The Economist 10 November 2007 2007/11/13

The Economist October 27th 2007
PDF | 2.6MB

The Economist is a weekly news and international affairs publication owned by “The Economist Newspaper Ltd” and edited in London, UK. It has been in continuous publication since September 1843. Altough printed in London, in the USA (where it is largely sold) this publication is reputed to be the best in its field.

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Edspeak 2007/11/12

"Edspeak: A Glossary of Education Terms, Phases, Buzzwords, Jargon"
ASCD (2007-08-15) | 245 Pages | PDF | 1.1 Mb

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Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars

Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars
Oxford University Press, USA | Pages: 322 | PDF | 1.7 MB

This book addresses a question fundamental to any discussion of grammatical theory and grammatical variation: to what extent can principles of grammar be explained through language use? John A. Hawkins argues that there is a profound correspondence between performance data and the fixed conventions of grammars. Preferences and patterns found in the one, he shows, are reflected in constraints and variation patterns in the other. The theoretical consequences of the proposed 'performance-grammar correspondence hypothesis' are far-reaching -- for current grammatical formalisms, for the innateness hypothesis, and for psycholinguistic models of performance and learning. Drawing on empirical generalizations and insights from language typology, generative grammar, psycholinguistics, and historical linguistics, Professor Hawkins demonstrates that the assumption that grammars are immune to performance is false. He presents detailed empirical case studies and arguments for an alternative theory in which performance has shaped the conventions of grammars and thus the variation patterns found in the world's languages. The innateness of language, he argues, resides primarily in the mechanisms human beings have for processing and learning it. This important book will interest researchers in linguistics (including typology and universals, syntax, grammatical theory, historical linguistics, functional linguistics, and corpus linguistics), psycholinguistics (including parsing, production, and acquisition), computational linguistics (including language-evolution modelling and electronic corpus development); and cognitive science (including the modeling of the performance-competence relationship, pragmatics, and relevance theory).

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Essential Italian Grammar 2007/11/08

Essential Italian Grammar
Dover Publications | DjVu | 5.21M

This logical, developmental presentation of the major aspects of Italian grammar includes all the necessary tools for speech and comprehension. Designed for adults with limited learning time who wish to acquire the basics of everyday Italian, this grammar features numerous shortcuts and timesavers. Ideal as an introduction, supplement, or refresher.

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400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL

Өмнө тавьсан линк устсан тул дахин тавьлаа...

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New Headway English Course - Beginner

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English Vocabulary in Use 2007/11/06

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Edition with answers
272 Pages | PDF | 4.8 Mb

Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate is a vocabulary book for intermediate learners of English, primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, but which can also be used for classroom work. In its style and format it is similar to its upper intermediate and advanced equivalent, English Vocabulary in Use.
• 100 easy-to-use units: over 2,500 vocabulary items in a wide range of topic areas are presented, contextualise and explained and explained on left-hand pages with a variety of follow-up activities on right-hand pages.
• Helps to build on and expand existing vocabulary.
• Suggests tips and techniques for good learning habits.
• Designed to be flexible: can be used both for self-study and in class.
• Provides a comprehensive key with not only answers to the exercises but also more comments on how the language is used.
• Includes a detailed index with phonetic transcriptions.

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Modern Grammers of Case

"Modern Grammers of Case"
480 pages | Language: English | PDF | 1,8 MB

This book addresses fundamental issues in linguistic theory, including the relation between formal and cognitive approaches, the autonomy of syntax, the content of universal grammar, and the value of generative and functional approaches to grammar. It focuses on the grammar of case relations, signalled by morphological case, prepositions, and word order. Part I offers a critical history of modern grammars of case, focussing on the last four decades and setting this in the context of earlier, including ancient, developments. The subjects considered include the evolution of ideas concerning deep structure and semantic and grammatical relations, and arguments for the maintenance of the traditional central position of case in the grammar. In parts II and III Professor Anderson examines the category of case and central unresolved issues in the grammar of case. The latter include questions relating to the idea of an ontologically-based grammar, particularly the degree to which syntactic categories and relationships are grounded in meaning, and the notion of linguistic creativity. This involves a consideration of the way in which cases may be identified and whether their distribution is determined through semantics. The book sheds new light on the interactions between meaning and grammar and on the structure and development of lexical and grammatical systems. The argument and its far-reaching consequences will be of wide interest to linguists, philosophers and others seeking to understand the workings of language.

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Intermediate Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook 2007/11/04

YIP PO-CHING "Intermediate Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook"
(1998)| 224 Pages | PDF | 2 Mb

Intermediate Chinese is designed for learners who have some knowledge of the language. Each of the twenty-five units deals with a particular grammar point and provides ample drills and exercises and many useful usage examples. Features a clear, accessible format, jargon-free grammatical explanations and full answer key, and provides both pinyin romanization and Chinese characters, which in in most cases are accompanied by English translations to facilitate the comprehension of both written and spoken Chinese.

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The Grammar of English Grammars

Gould Brown "The Grammar of English Grammars"
Project Gutenberg (2004) | 1446 Pages | PDF | 3.7 Mb