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Turkish A Comprehensive Grammar 2008/07/25

Номны нэр: Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar
Формат: .pdf
Хэмжээ: 140MB
Нэг уншигчын хүсэлтээр орчин үеийн Турк хэлний бүх төвшиний дүрмийг тайлбарласан ном байна. Үнэ нь 63 ам.долл гэхийг бодвол хэрэгтэй л ном бололтой.

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Turkish grammar. Concentrating on the real patterns of use in modern Turkish, it presents a detailed and systematic description of the structure of language at every level - sounds, words and sentences - and will remain the standard reference work for years to come.

Drawing upon a rapidly growing body of scholarly research on Turkish, this well-presented Grammar is a stimulating and up-to-date analysis of the complexities of the language, with full and clear explanations and examples throughout. A detailed index and extensive cross-referencing between numbered subsections also provides readers with easy access to the information they require.

Татах холбоосыг коментоор үлдээлээ.